That aside, it’s still an option and the ability to use it is supported in our client libraries.ĬIDs work by attaching the image to the email you’re sending and then using standard HTML image tags that reference that image to eventually embed it in the email when the user opens it. To me, CID (or Content-ID) feels old, and something very akin to working with emails in Outlook. To change the background image, set the mode option to 'Image. Switch to the 'Background' tab in the right side and select appropriate mode: To change the background color, set the mode option to 'Solid Color' and then select a new color. In this post, we’ll look at the options available and address a few pros and cons of using them, as well as how you would use them with Twilio SendGrid, so you can take a look at your needs, and your audience, and make up your own mind. You can keep background transparent or change it to any color or even set another image as new background. Do you link out to the image on a CDN? Do you embed it and reference it via a CID tag? Maybe as a linked image? Which one should you choose? Even if it’s just a logo, you’ll find it helps to add a touch of legitimacy to what you’re sending out. However, having your email only consist of an image (with no text) can cause your email to be flagged as spam.
It’s nice to spice up your marketing or transactional emails with a few images from time to time. With an image, you have complete control over all the design elements and can really create a one-of-a-kind inbox experience.