Their use here does not imply that you may use them for any purpose other than for the same or a similar informational use as contemplated by the original authors of these articles under the CC-BY-SA and GFDL licensing schemes. org) are the property of their respective owners. To cross reference your old part numbers and identify the correct replacement AC part.Īny of the trademarks, service marks, collective marks, design rights or similar rights that are mentioned, used or cited in the articles of the Building Intelligence Center (Salvation Army Cornet Serial Numbers. Snyder General Air Conditioners and Parts by DWG. 0 - 2 8 H R The new style Model number incorporates a 'Series' in the front 5 digits. MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATURE NEW STYLE = A H 0 2 3 - 1 S J K 4 5 - 0 6 6 4 - D N 7.